Thursday, May 29, 2008

A visit to the Doctor.

I've had a sore throat for a while. I don't really believe in going to the doctor every time I have a little ache or a little discomfort, but when you can't even swallow, it's time. I always have a hard time admitting that's it is time to see the doc. I think that's because the doctor experience is so uncomfortable. Granted, I really like my two doctors, but even with a great doctor you are still going to feel like a specimen that is being examined because well, that's what is happening. I prefer to be the one observing people, not the one being scrutinized.  But this is the way these things are, so this is what I experienced this morning. 

One word entered my head as I walked into the office and waited. 


I was taking a visit to alleviate physical, temporal, earthly discomforts and pains. There is nothing a doctor can do to heal a broken heart or a longing soul. Neither can a psychologist, as much as they may attest to that fact. While sitting in the room waiting for the doctor to come in, I felt relieved. For I knew this pain would soon be dealt with and healed regardless of how trivial it is compared the real pains of people around the world without healthcare (thank God). I thought about all the people in this world that are sitting in that same room, but their wounds are much deeper. Their scars much more prominent in their life. The tragedy in all of this is that for many people, the doctor is anything but Christ. The healer may be anything from a relationship to Oprah. Yet they soon find that these things aren't fixing the hurts inside. They are not being healed. They aren't even being helped. The symptoms of the real issues are simply being diluted by "positive thoughts" or "self-help" items. The truth is that Christ and Christ alone is the remedy of the world. He alone can be, for He's the only one that has died for the hurts and pains of the entire world. 

I think that's part of what Jesus means when he says,  "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light." Matthew 11:28-30

The beautiful thing is that we don't have to earn this healing, we just have to accept it. What a loving and caring Savior to whom we cling.

Remedy through Christ.

The following is a beautiful poem by Langston Hughes entitled "Litany".

Gather up,
in the arms of your pity
The sick, the depraved,
The desperate, the tired,
all the scum of our weary city.

Gather up 
In the arms of your pity. 

Gather up 
In the arms of your love
Those who expect
No love from above. 

P.S. Check out Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken's EP called Ampersand. Beautiful.

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