Usually at his concerts, he goes off on some ignorant tangent on life, to which I say, "Man, I came here to listen to you play music, not hear your 'wisdom'". But his comments at his concert on Tuesday night really grabbed me. This was the sum of his advice: "You can't live life like it is short. If you do, you are a [jerk]. The past is short, but we have a long life to live. In order to have a good life, I must live my live like it is long and I have a lot of time here on earth. So live it up."
So that's part of his philosophy on life. Another part is that everything he has earned for himself is solely because of his doing. Not anyone else. Interesting.
I sat there at the concert and prayed for John Mayer. I've prayed for him before, but this time intently prayed for God to begin working in his heart.
I was reading this morning and some things popped out that give me biblical grounds to say that John is wrong in some of his thoughts on life.
"You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. Man is a mere phantom bas he goes to and fro; He bustles about, but only in vain; he heaps up wealth, not knowing who will get it." Psalm 39:5-6
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." James 4:14
Honestly, who can blame John or people like him? If you lived live thinking that you are in control, there is no God, and there is no ultimate eternal destination, why would you feel that your life isn't as big of a deal as you thought? It would be absurd. (1 Cor. 1:25) The truth is that secular humanism just isn't practical. No one can actually live that way and honestly claim happiness. There will always be that void in their life. The search for answers will only lead to more questions. Any answers they claim to find, will leave them disappointed. John Mayer, for instance, believes that "love" or "music" is the key. Just the secular love as in "love, peace and happiness". (I infer this from his comments on the "Where the Light Is" DVD). That won't fulfill the God-shaped hole in a heart.
One more thing... The heart of life isn't good. Of course, every Christian knows why this is not so. Romans 3:23, 1 Cor. 15:22, and Psalm 51:5 show that. No discussion needed.
Lastly, I firmly believe there is still hope for people like John Mayer. Isaiah 30:18 states, "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion...How gracious he will be when you cry for help." How I long for the day that John Mayer turns to God. I realize some people will not, and they choose to turn from the Lord of Life. It happens. Yet, while there is still life on earth, there is still hope.
good stuff. Interesting take on "an artist concert rant". I think most would have just ignored him or felt pity.
Can't wait for John's live worship album. Oh the day :D
Also: yu right good.
Hey, just dropping by your blog. Good to see your doing well. Come pay me a visit some time.
stew, great thoughts. i listen to john all the time...almost daily...but admit i've never prayed for him. thank you for having a heart like jesus for him. thank you for not dismissing his comments and going on, but for really listening to what he said with compassion, discernment, and brokenheartedness. i'm going to start sending one up for him every time i turn his music on. and like "constitution revolution" said, hope for the day his worship album is released. praise God, who is mighty to save.
blessings, brother!
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